At Peace or Numb?

Take a real look at your life. What does your day-to-day life look like? Are you just going through the motions or are you feeling the highs and lows of life? Are you at peace or are you numb?

You may ask, what is the difference? How do you know which one I feel? Peace is awareness, knowing that there are things you have no control over but you will be ok. It’s focusing on the things that bring you happiness until life works out in your favor. And all the time it’s feeling exactly how you feel, no longer than 15 minutes, and coming back into alignment that everything will work out and the answers you are seeking will come in clarity.

Numbness. It’s not thinking, going about your day mindlessly, or having no sense of calmness or excitement. Numbness is warm all the time, no matter the circumstance. Can you heal in numbness? Some would argue that you can but I would counter that and say, “How can you heal without feeling?”. You have to feel what has happened to understand the true effects and triggers. You miss out when you’re numb. There are no moments, just time that has passed.

Let’s take this a step further. Think about depression and anxiety, it takes away every moment of your life. You wake up trying to be “normal” but you realize that you are a robot going through the motions. But peace brings understanding, clarity, emotion, and awareness. You’re actually intentional. It’s a feeling that you protect your entire life. My depression caused a lot of damage that I still fight for to this day, internally. I don’t remember a lot of things because of how deep my depression was.

As I reflect on my personal life, I’ve been numb to a lot of situations in life, it was a survival tactic for me. I’ve programmed myself to think if I don’t feel anything, then it won’t matter. It’s funny because a really close guy friend of mine told me to “think like a guy”. It worked LOL but as I got older, I realized how unhealthy it is not to express emotion. I’m not a man but I want you to know that you have to feel in order to heal. If that little boy inside you wants to cry, then dammit cry. Your inner child needs to be heard and not ignored by your older self.

So what now? How do I start feeling life again? There isn’t an easy answer for this because it’s extremely personal to you. It depends on your determination, consistency, and discipline. This shit is not easy and sometimes it gets tiring. But the more you do it, the less you have to think about it because it becomes a part of how you live. FEEL, FEEL, FEEL!!!!! Don’t put a bandaid over the way you feel in the moment. Practice emotional intelligence. There are soooooooooo many ways to do this but healing will get you there quicker. But in order to HEAL, you must FEEL!

Do you want to know how I began this journey? How was I able to get through my tough years? I wrote three Ebooks that will help you figure out what’s best for you.

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